Abolish the TSA
The very fact that we even have to argue over whether agents of the government should be able to take naked pictures of you and/or run their slimy little hands up the inside of your leg until they “meet resistance”, aka touch your labia or testicles, as a condition to fulfilling a contract you made with a private company to transport you in the air from point A to point B, tells me that this country is so far down the road to complete tyranny that any attempt to restore even a smidgen of liberty to the individual is most likely futile.
What the fuck is wrong with people? How can anyone possibly think that this is okay? Oh, but we have to prevent terrorist blowing up planes. Okay, fair enough, I would rather not die on a plane that was blown up by a criminal that decides to use violence to seek revenge for the federal government’s murder of their people and the occupation of their land. But the chances of this happening are so low that I am compelled to be more worried about the molestation I will now have to endure at the hands of my own government if I want to fly the friendly sky than a terrorist with explosive powder in his underwear.
Let’s put terrorism into perspective. A little under 3,000 Americans have been murdered by terrorist in the last ten years. During that same period about 150,000 Americans have been murdered by your run of the mill murderers, 450,000 people have been killed in automobile accidents, about 50,000 pedestrians have been killed by automobiles and about 400,000 people have been killed due to medical mistakes. Clearly you are more likely to die in one of these manners than at the hands of a terrorist. If you are so scared of dying at the hands of a terrorist that you are willing to put up, and even embrace the tyrannical edicts of the government then surely you are scared enough of being murdered, dying in a car accident, dying while crossing the street, or getting your tonsils out that you would be willing to endure whatever edicts the government could hand down to make your chances of tragic death as close to zero as possible. How about CCTV cameras with audio in everyone’s house so we can catch them if they are plotting murder. Maybe we should have to endure weekly polygraph test where they ask us if we plan on murdering anyone. Surely you would be in favor of a new 5 mph speed limit for all vehicles so that fatal accidents can be a thing of the past. Maybe we should all have to wear a list of our medications and medical history right on our chest so no doctor or pharmacist will miss something that could lead to our untimely death. You may think I am being ridiculous but who would have thought a year ago that you would have to let a perfect stranger see you naked or touch your breasts and labia to fly?
The media likes to remind us that 81% of people have no problem with airport porno-scanners. This makes me think of a poster hung on the wall of my freshman English class. It said “What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular.” At one time a majority of people were just fine and dandy with people owning other human beings. Not too long ago a majority of people thought women should not be able to own property and even more recently a majority thought black people should have to drink from separate drinking fountains. Might does not make right and neither do numbers. I do not care if I was the only person on the entire continent that thought porno-scanners were overly intrusive. I do not judge the morality of something by how many people think it is a good idea. If you do, than I feel sorry for you because you obviously lack any type of moral compass.
As far as those 81% percent of people who are willing to be ogled in the name of “security theater”, I have a question for you. Is their anything you wouldn’t let the government do in the name of security? Would you let them round up Muslims and put them in camps? Would you let them round YOU up and put YOU in camps? Would you even speak up as they were loading you onto the cattle cars or would you still hold on to the belief that they were doing it for your own good?
We are told by apologists for the state that “if you don’t like it, don’t fly”. First, I have a better idea. If you are so scared of dying at the hands of terrorist that you would allow yourself, your wife, daughter, mother, and grandmother to be ogled and fondled, than how about YOU DON’T FLY. Second, the freedom of travel is one of the hallmarks of a free society. Flying is necessary to reach many locations in the world. Last time I checked I can not drive to Europe. If you are willing to seriously impede the freedom of people to travel than don’t even pretend that you believe in freedom. Just admit that you are a tyrannical authoritarian who doesn’t give a rats ass about liberty as long as your preferences are enforced.
Again, everyone wants to be safe while flying, but the those who think that a government agency can keep us safe are foolish. This is the same government that can’t deliver mail without losing 8.7 billion dollars a year in the process. If you want safety, first you should demand that your government stop occupying foreign lands. Demand that they stop murdering people with both bullets and sanctions. Then you should demand that they abolish the TSA and let the airlines take over airport security. Let competition between airlines bring us the innovation that will truly make us safe. I personally will fly with the airline that uses the latest techniques and technologies that do not involve my breast or genitalia.
If we can’t stop this affront to human dignity than all may be lost. If the government can get away will such a gross violation of our bodies than their is very little that they can’t get away with. It is time to stand up, speak out, and OPT OUT.